Table of CoNtents
Data privacy, product security, and trust are deep concerns for every organization today, especially against the backdrop of a constantly evolving regulatory landscape. Engineering better privacy with every product change, complying with regulations while capturing jurisdictional nuances, and building a brand centered around trust is a tall order. Also, a lack of good tooling in the event of a security or privacy incident is a torment with lifetime PTSD.
As we move forward into the new year, it's helpful to plan, especially regarding security and privacy. To find out, we asked privacy industry leaders Abhi Sharma, Co-Founder and Co-CEO at Relyance AI, and Ashok Banerjee, SVP of Engineering at Trellix, what they expected for privacy engineering in 2023. The consensus was - we must challenge the traditional frameworks for change management in the context of privacy.
Building trust is not a discrete point in time. Instead, it is a continuous function that maps an organization's business evolution. This aspect needs to be discussed more in the industry. Therefore, this session discusses privacy and data protection as a change control problem. We examine scenarios, challenges, and solutions (grounded in people, processes, and technology) to help set up or upgrade your privacy engineering efforts and operations for 2023.
We’ll cover:
- Privacy and Data Protection Change Management
- Compliance, Security, and Privacy Incidents
- Scenarios, Challenges, and Solutions